Vinum – Winery management software

Winery accounting and traceability system

Vinum is a winery accounting and traceability system that meets the sector’s actual needs. It has been designed to deliver the greatest functionality to users as simply and effectively as possible. Among its differentiating factors is it traceability system, which makes it possible to monitor wines from the vine to the labelled bottle, providing numerous query and list options according to the desired criterion. It also deals with the management of record books to keep track of products subject to special customs duties and the different records required by various public administrative bodies. The mandatory tax returns are created automatically so the user only has to look over the draft (avoiding the need for any calculations), which will be sent to the public administrative body online.


Fully integrated with the new regulation that involves the online filing of accounting records for the purposes of special taxes, obliging wineries to post movements to the AEAT servers in a short period of time. This has been in force since 1 January 2020. More information at AEAT.

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    Streamline management and control for the winery on an ongoing basis
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    Keep track of production, manufacture, marketing and stocks
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    Traceability of the process with an innovative, agile and secure system
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    Automation of tax returns and record books for public administrative bodies
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    Online filing of tax returns, simplifying communications
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    Schedule of mandatory tax returns with alerts

Call 971 84 45 53 now or request a demo



More than 50% of the wineries in the Balearic Islands and implementations in La Rioja and Catalonia


Portable across platforms with absolute security and scalability



Allows for immediate deployment and access from anywhere